Saturday, May 23, 2020
Dorians Transformation in Oscar Wildes in the Picture of...
In society, there has constantly been the question as to whether people can change or not. Author Oscar Wilde proves in his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, that one can. The question he poses to his readers is â€Å"What kind of transformation is shown by the protagonist Dorian Gray: good or bad?†It is possible to think that Dorian Gray has become a better person, not for others, but for himself since he lives in the pursuit of pleasure and always achieves it. However, as it is demonstrated by the portrait, the damnation of the lives of others can provoke damage to one’s conscience and soul. Dorian’s soul is ruined gradually by his hedonistic adventures, eventually failing to redeem his actions, but not before he leaves a devastating path†¦show more content†¦After Basil’s murder, Dorian becomes very paranoid and out of character. He is so unlike himself that even Lord Henry notices: â€Å"Something has happened to you, Dorian, Tell me what it is. You are not yourself tonight†(172). Dorian becomes very jittery and unsettled; he often thinks he sees James Vane, Sibyl’s brother, stalking Dorian to seek revenge. One time when he sees James, he faints: â€Å"And with fear in his eyes Lord Henry rushed through the flapping pals, to find Dorian Gray lying face downwards on the tiled floor in a deathlike swoon†(187). Dorian veers away from his life of pleasure when he is constantly reminded of the evil deeds he commits; he feels pain, responsibility and guilt, the three worst things a hedonist can feel. To renew his satisfaction, Dorian pursues opium, a drug that can help him reach a calm and happy place: â€Å"He [Dorian] heaved a deep breath [of opium] and his nostrils quivered with pleasure†(186-187). However, opium cannot cure all of his problems, it can only mask and delay the outcomes. Taking this drug only seals Dorian’s fate to never come back from the decadent lifestyle he leads. As his self-destruction becomes worse, Dorian begins to seek redemption. However, this only proves further that Dorian is damaged beyond repair and there is not a return from his hedonistic world. Dorian beginsShow MoreRelatedThe Picture Of Dorian Gray1576 Words  | 7 PagesTransformation in Literature Greek Philosopher Heraclitus once said â€Å"There is nothing permanent except change†. In Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, the theme of transformation is constant throughout the novel; however it is not portrayed as something that is permanent. Through the protagonist’s transformation, Oscar Wilde s novel is suggesting that the hedonistic lifestyle, a lifestyle where gaining pleasure is the main goal of a person’s life, may seem like it is an exciting and wonderfulRead MoreDorian Gray : Moral Responsibility Essay1350 Words  | 6 PagesIn The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, it tells of a mans gradual downfall from innocence to corruption. Even the name of the main character in Oscar Wildes tale, Dorian Gray, is very symbolic because ‘gray is the combination of black and white, of good and evil. In many ways, Dorian Gray is the epitome of mankind. Dorian Gray, an innocent and naà ¯ve man, becomes corrupted after having one convers ation with Lord Henry Wotton. He shows how easily people can become swayed and changed merelyRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray1393 Words  | 6 Pages(HOOK) In Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, the theme of transformation is constant throughout the novel. Through the protagonist’s transformation, Oscar Wilde s novel is suggesting that the hedonistic life style, a life style where gaining pleasure is the main goal, may seem like it is a fun and wonderful way to live, however a person will slowly be corrupted if they live in that way . One has to take life into one’s own hands and choose the people to be around and what one will do withRead MoreOscar Fingal O Flahertie Wilde1533 Words  | 7 Pagesn Dublin, Ireland, Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wilde was born on October 16, 1864. His two parents were William Wilde, a Victorian doctor, and Jane Francesca Elgee, an artistic revolutionary. They also gave birth Willie Wilde and Isola Wilde, who eve ntually died at the age of ten. Overall, Wilde grew up in a family full of intelligence and creativity. Because Wilde was raised with many intellectuals in his environment, he had the advantage of an advanced education beyond his years. As an eleven yearRead MoreThe Picture of Dorian Grey, by Oscar Wilde771 Words  | 4 Pagesheld without losing the other, due to their conflicting natures. While the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray brings out the central question â€Å"Is it better to pursue Aesthetics or Morality?†it describes the life of Dorian Gray, who constantly sought to maintain his appearance at the cost of his morals, and answers the question by revealing the consequences of living Mr. Gray’s â€Å"beautiful†lifestyle. In the novel, Oscar Wilde depicts the explosion of aesthetic philosophy in higher English society duringRead More Comparing the Myth in Ovid’s Echo and Narcissus and Wilde’s Dorian Gray3137 Words  | 13 PagesContemporary Ancient Myth in Ovid’s Echo and Narcissus and Wilde’s Dorian Gray       Each time a story is told, elements of the original are often changed to suit new situations and current societies, or to offer a new perspective. Over the centuries, Ovid’s tale of Echo and Narcissus has been told many times to new audiences, and in the late nineteenth-century, it took the form of The Picture of Dorian Gray. Echo and Narcissus is the tale of a beautiful boy who fell in love with hisRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis1257 Words  | 6 PagesIn the Victorian prose, The Portrait of Dorian Gray explores the idea of duality. The divided self within the character of Dorian Gray begins with his misunderstanding of his self-image, because of the influence of a portrait. Dorian’s fate and transformation connect to the painting, which leads to his downfall. The painting contains Dorians moral decline as changes to the picture affects his life. Through the portrait, he gains an image of himself as an independent individual compared to his previousRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Aestheticism Analysis935 Words  | 4 Pagessignificant impact on the writings of Oscar Wilde; in particular, his enrapturing novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, is an insightful narration that expresses many of the central elements of this aesthetic philosophy. Centered on the life of an attractive young man named Dorian Gray, the novel details how through the influence of others, he becomes morally depraved, and sells his soul in exchange for eternal youth. The main instigator behind the drastic transformation of Dorian’s character, is the intenselyRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray1416 Words  | 6 PagesOscar Wilde’s novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, chronicles the transformation of Dorian Gray from an naive youth to a corrupted monster. The simplicity of the storyline contrasts the complexity of Dorian Gray; specifically, the cause of his corruption. The cursed portrait, and characters such as Lord Henry and Basi l, play a significant role in the Dorian’s journey to pernicity, but neither of three can be held entirely responsible. Dorian Gray’s initial innocence conceals an inner evil within him;Read More The Conscience of Dorian Gray in Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray2865 Words  | 12 PagesThe Conscience of Dorian Gray in Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray Much of the criticism regarding The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde has dealt with Dorian Gray’s relation to his own portrait (Raby 392). While some may argue that the portrait represents a reflection of Dorian Gray’s character, this is only a superficial analysis of the novel and Dorian’s character. While Dorian Gray’s true character never changes, it is his own perception of his character (his conscience) that
Monday, May 18, 2020
Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus - 963 Words
Introduction Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a sci-fi novel composed by Mary Shelley. This is the story of a science understudy, Victor Frankenstein, who made a beast amid one of his trials. This beast ends up being an inconvenience for Victor. The creature depicted as a living being with all the emotions and feelings, and his appearance of beast was a huge issue when he felt that individuals dreaded him, and they abhor him. He would not like to murder individuals; indeed he attempted to spare a young lady, yet because of dread a man attempted to execute him as a beast. Victor s sibling additionally attempted to shout when he saw him, in his endeavor to keep the kid calm, he strangled the kid. To stay away from all these killings, he asked Victor to make him a female with the goal that he can leave this spot with his mate and will never come in broad daylight. Victor concurred, however when he understood the results of this entire type of creatures, he slaughtered the frag mented female. Creature attempted to take reprisal and murdered Victor s wives. The story was an incredible achievement and confronted negative feedback before all else. Commentators consider it as a sickening awfulness story; however with its prosperity it got different positive remarks. Thesis Statement The strongest topic in this novel that changed the critics perspectives is the subject of alienation. Discussion One of the reactions composed on Shelly s Frankenstein is via CarinaShow MoreRelatedFrankenstein And The Modern Prometheus1665 Words  | 7 Pages1. In the novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, both Victor Frankenstein and the Monster are viable protagonists, as the fates of both characters comprise a considerable amount of the novel, and are so cruelly intertwined. Both being so crucial to the story, it is really a matter of the reader’s perspective as to who is good and who is bad. 2. From Victor Frankenstein’s perspective, the Monster is clearly the antagonist in the novel Frankenstein. He murders all of Frankenstein’s lovedRead MoreIs Frankenstein the Modern Day Prometheus?1302 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: IS FRANKENSTEIN THE MODERN DAY PROMETHEUS? Is Frankenstein the modern day Prometheus? Irvin M. Beacham Jr. ENC 1101 Dr. Gaspar Is Frankenstein the modern day Prometheus? When Mary Shelly wrote her 1818 classic Frankenstein, she subtitled it â€Å"The Modern Prometheus.†She compared the character of Dr. Victor Frankenstein a highly intelligent scientist to the Greek Titan Prometheus the wisest of the Titans. There are numerous parallelsRead MoreAnalysis Of Frankenstein Or The Modern Prometheus 1388 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Beginning o Myth of Prometheus †¢ Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is the complete title of Mary Shelley’s flamboyant monster novel, which includes an allusion to Prometheus. Her referral to Prometheus is not only about how he was the Titan punished by Zeus because he stole fire from the gods and presented it to mankind; it is also more focused on how he was titan and mythical being who created mankind and was not able to control his own creation. †¢ Prometheus is claimed by others toRead MoreAnalysis Of Frankenstein The Modern Prometheus 1123 Words  | 5 PagesBrian Markewicz 3/31/15 Per. 5 English CP Frankenstein the Modern Prometheus You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Mahatma Gandhi. In Frankenstein, the creature encounters many judgmental people that are mean to him at first glance. The story of Frankenstein compared to real life has many of the same problems. This story relates and will relate to society throughout time because these problems areRead MoreAnalysis Of Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus 1567 Words  | 7 PagesVictor’s Foolishness: Using Science to Learn Natures Secrets â€Å"I have always described myself as always having been imbued with a fevering longing to penetrate the secrets of science†Victor Frankenstein (Shelley, pg34). In the novel Frankenstein and the Modern Prometheus, Mary Shelley romanticism of nature ties in to her fear of science. In the novel a knowledgeable individual named Victor creates a creature out of dead human parts and sparks life into it with electricity. The birth of the creatureRead MoreFrankenstein Vensor Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus And Victor Frankenstein1031 Words  | 5 PagesTitan or Theif In Greek Mythology, there is a tale where a Titan named Prometheus stole fire from the gods and put it in the clay to make man. Like in the Greek Mythology, Mary Shelley has Victor Frankenstein steal life from nature. As Mary Shelley states in the title of her book Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus, she parallels Victor Frankenstein to the Titan Prometheus. As Mary Shelley states in Frankenstein the pursuit of unknown knowledge is dangerous. â€Å" So much has been done†¦ I willRead MoreEssay about Frankenstein, the Modern Prometheus?1373 Words  | 6 PagesFRANKENSTEIN, THE MODERN PROMETHEUS? In order to illustrate the main theme of her novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelly draws strongly on the myth of Prometheus, as the subtitle The Modern Prometheus indicates. Maurice Hindle, in his critical study of the novel, suggests, the primary theme of Frankenstein is what happens to human sympathies and relationships when men seek obsessively to satisfy their Promethean longings to conquer the unknown - supposedly in the service of their fellow-humansRead MoreFrankenstein, By Mary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus1316 Words  | 6 Pages Monstrosity in Marry Shelley s â€Å"Frankenstein†Mary Shelley s â€Å"Frankenstein†or â€Å"The Modern Prometheus†is an examination of monstrosity in all of its forms. Written during a time in which scientific, political and economical upheaval, the novel depicts mans desire to uncover every secret in the universe, while confirming the importance of the emotions that make us human, instead of monsters. But, what is considered to be a monster? When one thinks of a monster the first thing that comes to mindRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus1342 Words  | 6 Pagesthere is no doubt in the connection of the Greek God Prometheus and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, as the title of the book states: Frankenstein, or the modern Prometheus. Shelley made sure that the readers knew that Frankenstein is to be seen as the modern Prometheus, and all things in her book connect Frankenstein to the Greek God that shaped Humanity. In this essay is stated that Frankenstein is indeed as Shelley meant, the modern Prometheus. Reasoning behind this is of how Frankenstein’s and Prometheus’sRead MoreMary Shelley s Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus1141 Words  | 5 Pagessomeone, do you think that you would take that chance? Prometheus is a Greek God who gave mankind fire, which had been stolen from Mount Olympus. â€Å"Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus,†by Mary Shelley is about a man name Victor Frankenstein who creates a â€Å"monster†and tells the story of the lives of each character, and the conflict between Frankenstein and his creation. Victor Frankenstein tried to play God in â€Å"Frankenstein, the Modern Prometheus,†by creating a his own specimen, giving his creation
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Analysis Of The Book 1984 By George Orwell - 968 Words
The book, 1984 by George Orwell, is about the external and internal conflicts that take place between the two main characters, Winston and Big Brother and how the two government ideas of Democracy and totalitarianism take place within the novel. Orwell wrote the novel around the idea of communism/totalitarianism and how society would be like if it were to take place. In Orwell’s mind democracy and communism created two main characters, Winston and Big Brother. Big Brother represents the idea of the totalitarian party. In comparison to Big Brother, Winston gives and represents the main thought of freedom, in the novel Winston has to worry about the control of the thought police because he knows that the government with kill anyone who†¦show more content†¦Winston s current situation working there is the major factor which lets him realize how Big brothers hold back the peoples opportunity to freedom. However, Winston keeps his thoughts and hate about Big Brother and t he party for his own secret in his diary because the party will not allow anyone keeping a rebellious idea. After a while Big Brother realizes Winston’s suspicious behavior and has an individual named O’Brien sent to watch over Winston. O’Brien is a very smart man from the Ministry of truth, who is a member of the inner party (the higher class). Winston comes to trust him and shares his inner secrets and ideas about the rebellion against Big Brother. O Brien tells Winston about a man named Emmanuel Goldstein whom claims to know the leader of the rebels against Big Brother. This also promises Winston to get a copy of the book he Longley desires. Suddenly O’Brien goes against Winston as Big Brother had already planned. Showing major secretive external conflict. The main external conflict takes place when Winston is caught by Big Brother and taken into a place known where there is no darkness, where multiple innocent people from the society or â€Å"criminals†in big brothers mind are taken to be tortured and questioned until they answer what big brother desires. This place as referenced in the novel is known as Room 101. Winston gets tortured mentally for weeks on end to the point where Winston will do anything for Big Brother, and will and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Strategic Compensation Excellence and Plain Mediocrity
There is a clear business case for strategic compensation. Well managed rethinking of performance management, rewards and benefits leads to better business results, stronger capability, higher staff retention levels, heightened motivation and employee satisfaction. The success stories of organizations leading the field in strategic compensation prove that how employees are motivated, rewarded, recognized, fulfilled and challenged to perform better is a key differentiator between excellence and plain mediocrity. One of the best ways to keep employees from walking out the door is to pay a higher salary. Paying employees more in salary, however, wont necessarily align them with the companys priorities. In order to do that, companies need†¦show more content†¦Younger people want time off and money; older people want 401(k)s and good medical. Those in the child-bearing years want child care and flexible leave (Frase-Blunt, 2002). In order to make Plastec a more competitive company in regards to wages, Paul should utilize a third-quartile strategy (Mathis and Jackson, p. 366). Wage increases should be based on performance. Each position will be assigned a wage range and the employees productivity will determine his or her hourly wage. In the article Strategic compensation: Pay for performance, the author discuses several automated systems that can help managers sort and manage employees. Paul can utilize an On-demand compensation management application to assist him with developing the wage, salary, and reward system for Plastec (Dobbs, 2006). Compensating employees financially will often result in better performance and higher levels of motivation. Pay for performance plans are the most popular incentive plans in businesses today and would be ideal for Plastec to integrate into their new compensation plan. For a compensation plan to motivate performance, employees must believe that good performance will lead to more pay, want more pay, not believe that good performance will leads to negative consequences, see that other desired rewards besides payShow MoreRelatedStrategic Human Resource Management72324 Words  | 290 PagesBusiness Management Study Manuals Advanced Diploma in Business Management STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The Association of Business Executives 5th Floor, CI Tower ï‚ · St Georges Square ï‚ · High Street ï‚ · New Malden Surrey KT3 4TE ï‚ · United Kingdom Tel: + 44(0)20 8329 2930 ï‚ · Fax: + 44(0)20 8329 2945 E-mail: ï‚ ·  © Copyright, 2008 The Association of Business Executives (ABE) and RRC Business Training All rights reserved No part of this publication may beRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagessynthesis of approaches to organization theory. It will be welcomed by organization theory scholars and reflective practitioners and is a valuable companion for scholars and students of organization theory. Henk W. Volberda, Chair of the Department of Strategic Management Business Environment and Vice-Dean of the RSM Erasmus University, Netherlands At last, a text that brings organization theory into the 21st century! This is the first organization theory textbook to provide full and informed coverageRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesideas for improvements. Although MBWA has long had its advocates, it does present certain problems. First, the time managers spend directly observing the work force is time they are not doing their core job tasks like analysis, coordination, and strategic planning. Second, management based on subjective impressions gathered by walking around runs counter to a research and data-based approach to making managerial decisions. Third, it is also possible that executives who wander about will be seen asRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesan investigation of the association between management tools and techniques and organizational performance. According to 4,137 managers in North America, Europe, and Asia, the tools associated with organization success were: strategic planning, pay for performance, strategic alliances, customer satisfaction measurement, shareholder value analysis, mission and vision statements, benchmarking, cycle time reduction, agile strategies, self-directed teams, and groupware. These kinds of lists are useful
My Parents Free Essays
Name ID Essay #8 First Draft 4/7/2013 My parents Parents are the ones who guide the child and teach him how to live successful life; therefore, we think that for a happy couple, and for a good education for the child, two people must share many similarities and must agree on each other’s decisions. My parents have been married 18 years and they are living a successful life without any problems and I’m really proud of them. However, they are two different persons. We will write a custom essay sample on My Parents or any similar topic only for you Order Now Their differences In view of life, their personalities and their origins. My mother is a housewife woman, while my father is an IT manager. For both of them, their family is everything. For my father, he’s strict when it comes to studies and being serious. He always tries to advise me and my brothers about our studies and our futures. He is too generous and he spends the money without limits. My father loves taking trips to any place, loves discovering and enjoying life with us. My mother has another view of life that one shouldn’t spend his money on whatever. For her, money is earned in order to be spent on something useful and it always takes us a lot of effort to persuade her to take trips with us during the holidays. My parents have a similar personality when it comes to romance, they are both romantic and interested to each other. My father always remembers and loves to celebrate our birthdays; in fact, he always gives us presents and surprises. My mother is the opposite, she remembers our birthdays, but she doesn’t like to celebrate them. My father has a different personality than my mother. My father is strict, but fun in the same time. He trains us to be discipline, serious and polite. He has some rule’s house like not to come back home late at night. He’s also sever when he’s angry. For my mother, she is a fun woman and she’s not too strict with us. As her daughter, she knows everything about me and I tell her everything. She understands that we love freedom and we have to live our age as teenagers; therefore, she doesn’t set sever rules for us. We just should inform her of everything we do. Besides views of life and personalities, they have different origins. They are both Moroccan. They have different facial bone structure, body size and skin color than my mother. My father is Sahrawi, so he has a facial bone structure of Sahrawi, a tanned skin color and he’s thin. My mother is from Fes, so she has different facial bone structure than my father and a normal skin color. My parents are happy in their life together and never have had problems even though they have differences in some aspects. However, two persons can live a happy life together without have everything similar. The most important thing that should be similar is love’s feeling. How to cite My Parents, Papers
Othello essay free essay sample
Introduction: While Othello can be partially held accountable for his tragic downfall, other characters are also at fault. Othello chooses to trust the wrong people and becomes insecure which are both causes of his belief that Desdemona has been unfaithful. Iago was the master-mind behind the plot of separating Othello and Desdemona, his hatred and jeoulousy helped him to gain Othello’s trust, therefore putting Othello in an uncertain position. Othello is partly to blame for his downfall as it is the way in which he distributes his trust, insecurity and jealousy which ultimately pushes him towards murdering Desdemona. Othello places too much trust in Iago which leads him to believe that Desdemona has been unfaithful. This can be seen in act 2 Scene 3 when Othello says; Honest Iago, that lookst dead with grieving, / Speak, who began this? This highlights how Othello places such trust in Iago that he will take his word on who began the fight, which results in Othello relieving Cassio of his duties. We will write a custom essay sample on Othello essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another reason why Othello is to blame for his downfall is because of his insecurities which lead him to believing that Desdemona has been unfaithful. In a way one could understand that Othello was simply waiting for Iago’s promting and for his own dream of happiness to come to an end because in his mind (probably due to years of prejudice converting to self hate) Othello has already deemed it impossible for someone of Desdemona’s position to ever fully loving him so when the push comes, Othello is fully prepared to play judge and executor of the one person he loved above all else. While Othello’s feelings have attributed to his downfall, it was his ensign Iago who was eaten up by hatred and jealousy that ultimately caused his downfall. Shakespeare portrays Iago as cynical, quick-witted and opportunistic which are all traits of villains in revenge tradgedies. Iago explains in Act 1, Scene 3, how Virtue is A fig! and Tis in ourselves that we are thus, or thus; he believes how our bodies are gardens and our wills are gardeners. This demonstrates Iagos profound understanding of human nature, and his belief that ones will or strength of character is a powerful tool to control oneself. While Othello and Iago may have played the most imperative role in Othello’s downfall, other characters are also to blame. Desdemona is portrayed as an innocent yet naive woman who, while becoming Iago’s victim, annoys Othello by screaming â€Å"Cassio, Cassio†in his ear immediately after Othello is told that Cassio has be having an affair with Desdemona. It could also be argued that Emilia was ultimately responsible for Othello’s downfall as it was her who retrieved Desdemona’s handkerchief and gave it to Iago so that Othello would believe that Desdemona gave it to Cassio as a token of her love.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
ERP Implementation Management
Question: Do some research on ERP implementation. Identify other factors which may account for the success of ERP implementation? Answer: Executive summary This report will be dealing with the ERP implementation within the organization and the factors that will help us to implement the ERP within the organization.ERP implementation help both in private and public sectors to organize and manage the plan. The success of ERP implementation lies on the strong sponsorship, they focus on their project and the management scope, they also deal with the open communication between the department and the balanced and empowered teams of the 3rd party vendors. Introduction: ERP stands for enterprise resource planning; it is a real time based system that operates in a real time environment. The system carries both the external and internal information and the data flow which is essential and used in the organization.ERP system integrate and managed the business related to technology, services, and Hr (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). ERP integrate all the facets of an operations which includes planning, developing, marketing, sales revenue etc (Wang, Chou and Jiang, 2005). There are few more organization that undertaken the ERP system for the better collaboration between the departments and for making the organization better and smooth they make the work flow within the organization (Ram, Corkindale and Wu, 2013). Implementation is based on collective experience with hundreds of implementation including planning, organizational change, customer ERP etc. Implementation system is very helpful to the organization since it make the work easier and also help s to improve the communication skills within the organization (Ravnikar, 2010). This report will be discussing the usage of the ERP system by building up the strong management system along with the top level management within the organization. In addition to this the success of ERP implementation is; they transfer the proper knowledge, thorough system testing etc (Wang, Chou and Jiang, 2005). They also deal with the open communication between the department and they balanced and empowered teams of the 3rd party vendors.ERP implementation can include the customer requirements, process that define the workflow , training and needs of assessment , they can also provide an end user training. It also involves the advantage of open and honest communication. According to Sommer (2011), the concept of ERP, in ERP they associated risk factors which is downplayed to a large extends in the organizations. The success of implementation can bring the ERP into the competitive edge to the entity; however the failure might get divesting (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). When a company comes to ERP implementation they share a common goal and also implement in a quick and smooth way so they do not get disrupt in the business process. According to the success and failure how companies can handle the process in ERP implementation (Ram, Corkindale and Wu, 2013). Factors may account the success of ERP implementation: As mentioned by Newell, Huang and Tansley (2006), the first point in the success of ERP implementation can be the teamwork and compensation; it is the important part of the ERP life cycle. In this the team should consists the best people (Ram, Corkindale and Wu, 2013). The team should be mix with the internal and consultant staff so that the internal staff can develop the designing and implementation part for technical skills. The team should be implemented by the compensation and incentive for the successful of assigning the budgets (Wang, Chou and Jiang, 2005). Secondly, there must be a clear business plan and their vision and how the organization can operate these implementation efforts. In this the project should be related to the business and should be clearly started. Goals and benefits should be clearly identified for the proper business plan (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). Thirdly, there would be the effective communication (Meng, 2014), there should be a proper communication that includes the promotion of a project team and the advertisement of project progress. Effective communication is a very critical part of ERP implementation because every expectation needs a level of communication (Ram, Corkindale and Wu, 2013). Fourth is a good project management which is very essential for the success of ERP implementation. In this the individual or a group of people give the responsibility to drive the success in management. In project management the scope should be clearly defined and should be for the limited period, it should be disciplined while coordination related to the human resource management (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). It could be the chain management program which is very important for the ERP implementation because it give the enterprise in which the culture and the structure changed should be managed. In this culture can share the value and norms to conceive success (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). Part of a change management program they involved the designed and implementing the business processes (Wang, Chou and Jiang, 2005). In the success of ERP implementation there must be a project champions which help you to oversee the entire life cycle of the project. In this there should be a high level executive who set the goal and legitimize the changes. In this transformational leadership play a vital role to achieved success (Ram, Corkindale and Wu, 2013). Lastly the most important factors to implement the ERP is the BRP which stands for business process reengineering to minimize the customization and it is the new model which will fit for the implementation and it can also be aligned with the business process (Ram, Corkindale and Wu, 2013) . Strong and committed leadership at the top level management in ERP implementation: As opined by Wang, Chou and Jiang (2005), for the powerful and successful implementation of the ERP system, the top level management of the organization need to get involved it to the maximum outcome, because through the involvement of the top level management the system will be directly connected with the employee and the manager with them (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). The top level management in ERP implementation is very important to support this project due to its complex nature (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). It is important that the top management have to clear their vision and mission planned, the business process planned and effective communication plan that will help the ERP implementation to fulfill their benefits and the requirement otherwise the brisk factors will be go at a higher level (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). There are two level of top management that is the leadership quality and the providing up the necessary resources to the implementations (Ravnik ar, 2010). The success of ERP implementation is totally on the top level management in the hand of leadership at the high level, which is the most important part of ERP implementation. The leadership can be defined by two parts that is transformational and transactional leadership, a transformational leadership means the relation between the leaders and the team while transactional means individual (Ram, Corkindale and Wu, 2013). This will help the leaders to improve the relation between the top level management and the employee. In case of installation the venders are able to know all the company passwords and security by the third party ERP system and they cannot access this information by the manager because the managers are not concerned by this news (Wang, Chou and Jiang, 2005). Open and honest communication within the organization s: According to Meng (2014), open and honest communication is the second role played by the ERP implementation; this system played a model role within the organization. Communication issues is the major success of ERP implementation, it is project by the number of area. To the success of ERP implementation the entire organization build a strong communication during the implementation process (Sommer, 2011). Open and honest communication helps the stakeholders within the organization to understand the goals and the benefits as well as they share the progress of the project (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). An open and honest communication policy helps to protect t the entire communication failure of the project. Open and honest communication can also occur within the corporate cultures which build a strong trust between the management and the employees. It is one of the social enablers to the success of ERP implementation (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). They say that open and honest communication with the level of management and the users of all phases of projects. In this the company can also share the wide profit sharing, which helps the plant manager to be aware of potential impacts of the new ERP system (Ram, Corkindale and Wu, 2013). However, it is showing some area which indicate that communication and became open and honest. They also come across within the organization which will help us to know the workflow, tenacity of the employees in their work as well as also help in smooth flowing of the work (Wang, Chou and Jiang, 2005). So, for a success of implementation of the ERP along with the successful installment of the software and hardware the top management of the organization gets actively involved (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). Balanced and empowered teams: As mentioned by Newell, Huang and Tansley (2006), the ERP system is a complicated system which required the involvement of both the hardware and software. As the system get complicated it is bit though for the third party venders of the organizations, and they have to initially need to send the group of employee having a good knowledge about the system. A group of knowledge people can technically guide the employees of the organization and trained them properly to make them technically strong regarding the ERP system. Kiran (2012) mentioned that an ERP projects include all the functional area of an enterprise. The people who implement their team by innovation and creativity they are the best people for the success of ERP implementation. In this the project team should be balanced, functional, and also represent the internal staff (Meng, 2014). The information can be shared by the vendors as well as the consultant. After the leadership at top level management and open and honest commu nication it is very important to know how to balance and empowered their team in the organizations. To maximize the ERP system employees of the organization should be balanced and empowered (Newell, Huang and Tansley, 2006). Recommendation: ERP system is essential within the organization so make it success in its operations the company should know the impacts of how to operate the business by updating the process and changing systems. As mentioned by Kiran (2012), the key success of ERP implementation is training. In training there are different types of strategies, which can be followed during the implementation of ERP system, like there must be a clear business plan, the focus on their work etc. While deriving the training strategy, it must have to know what is their strategy, the key areas, the checklist of the training strategy, communication (a communication strategy help the organization to communicate effectively and reach their organizational goals), balanced and empowered team, leadership quality (for the ERP implementation, the leader must be confident on what they are saying, they know their roles how to lead the organization their works and to be a good leaders they have to be a trustworthy which is very imp ortant for the organizations) etc. This is done to trained the employees by the systematic and methodical way which the best utilization of resources. In order to the successfully installed by the system the top level management need to cooperate with the vendors and the managers for making the system successfully installed in the organization (Gu and Wu, 2011). Conclusion: By concluding this, it can be said that the implementation of ERP has the greater attention and it is highly complex. The most important conclusion for this analysis is that there is a leadership quality with the top level management, open and honest communication and balanced and empowered team .The main analysis is that there is a clear and significant relationship between the suggestion factors and the implementation of the selection approach. The success of ERP implementation lies on their strong sponsorship, they focus on their project and the management scope, and they also deal with the open communication between the department and the balanced and empowered teams of the 3rd party vendors. This case study tells us the successful approach by introducing the implementation on ERP. In implementation there must be a good coordinate and communicate between the partners. Sometime the top management gets involved directly in the system along with the manager and the employees. References: Kiran, S. (2012). Discovering Key Factors in ERP Implementation through Success and Failure Gu, Y. and Wu, G. (2011). Research about Implementation Strategies in JMI System of Third-Cases. International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 3(3), pp.27-36. Meng, X. (2014). The Communication Management Research in the Process of ERP Implementation. AMR, 1044-1045, pp.1803-1806. Newell, S., Huang, J. and Tansley, C. (2006). ERP implementation: a knowledge integration challenge for the project team. Knowl. Process Mgmt., 13(4), pp.227-238. Ram, J., Corkindale, D. and Wu, M. (2013). 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