Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Program Pioneers Of Business Office - 3997 Words
Question 1:- Answer (A) †¢ The programs pioneers of business office will care for the procuring of business instructors with take an interest of the CEO. †¢ The IT program pioneer will attempt to contract a decent taught and very much experienced in IT educating industry. †¢ The program pioneers of plans and English dialect studies office will take care of the procuring of English dialect instructors and verify that as opposed to enlisting the diverse educator for distinctive module he can enlist maybe a couple for every one of the four modules with the cooperation of CEO. †¢ The showcasing office will take care of the advertising of the school. He/she will manage the advertising director in all the five unique nations. Too the notice of the school so that more understudies can be a piece of this school. This customized pioneer will likewise care for the visa issues of understudies too the redesigning with NZQA new approaches. †¢ The account office will care for the money states of school, charges of understudies; pay of staff and in addition the advancement of t Answer (B). As seat momentum hierarchical structure of the association the school is managing five nations, yet because of the sudden downtown in understudy s number the school need to plan new association structure. as given 70% of the understudies are enlisted from India and it`s a sown turn in number so they need to lessen the staff yet and additionally on their hand they need to keep the same nature ofShow MoreRelatedBest Practises Of Human Resource Management Practices1398 Words  | 6 Pagespractices help to improve business. As building a case requires an unmistakable comprehension of an organisation that HR serves, and in addition working associations with all business pioneers. HR can accomplish both parts by including business pioneers in the arranging procedures and administration. High affect HR associations fuse complex sophisticated forecasting and workforce investigation into their procedures. This empowers them to decipher far reaching ability, business information and outside Read MoreAuthority Abilities Are Urgent For Both Individual And Expert Advancement1505 Words  | 7 PagesIn today s aggressive world, authority abilities are urgent for both individual and expert advancement. Authority is a critical capacity of administration which helps an individual or a business to amplify effectiveness and to accomplish objectives. Leadership has diverse implications to different authors. 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Seek feedback from the team and conduct a meeting (Meeting agenda and Minutes template are provided) regarding organisational development program. Meeting Agenda Scheduled day Agenda topics Meeting location Actions taken Applicable time frame 13/09/2016 Unethical behaviour Hawthorn All the staff members are inducted and disciplinary actions will be taken if involved in discrimination. 1hr 14/09/2016 Health and Safety needs Glenferrie Revised all the hazardous chemicals at Alpha electronicsRead MoreThe Hypothesis And Practice Of Hrm Essay1519 Words  | 7 PagesUnique: The hypothesis and practice of HRM has been commanded by its conceivably key part and commitment to business achievement. There is a developing assemblage of proof for the achievement of superior work frameworks (HPWS) in light of collaboration and representative contribution. In any case, a great part of the exact exploration has been overwhelmed by huge scale overviews of assembling commercial enterprises. This contextual analysis of New Zealand Post investigates the methodology of
Monday, December 16, 2019
Sexual Revolution and Methods of Contraception Essay
Sexual Revolution and Methods of Contraception Birth Control and Contraceptives The sexual revolution introduced a whole new idea of controlled births and the use of different forms of birth control. Contraceptives have been used since the time of the ancient Egyptians, but the sexual revolution introduced a whole new form and more efficient way to prevent conception of a child. The use of contraceptives helped control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, lowered the percentage of illegitimate children, and reduced the risk of pregnancy. Even as early as the times of the ancient Greeks, people could tell the difference between abortifacients and contraceptives. During this era, things such as linen condoms, dried fish†¦show more content†¦A plant called silphium was used effectively as a birth control device until its extinction in the 4th century AD. Another plant that is considered highly effective to the contraception of children is Queen Anne’s Lace. This plant was considered an oral contraceptive dating back 2000 years ago. In the late 1980s, scientists that were experimenting with Queen Anne’s Lace, noticed that the mice they fed the plant to had blocked the production of progesterone and inhibited fetal and ovarian growth. This plant is still used today as a morning-after contraceptive for women in rural areas when they drink the seeds of the plant with a glass of water. Other plants that may be used as birth control include pennyroyal, asafoetida, myrrh, willow, date palm, juniper, pine, and even some foods like onions and cabbage may have some sort of contraceptive powers in them. The problem with using plants as contraceptives is because nature is often random and inconsistent. Different growing conditions and things like different parent plants will all effect the effectiveness of the plants contraceptive powers. (Noble) Intrauterine Device: Intrauterine Devices are one of the oldest forms of birth control known to man. In ancient times, Arabic camel traders would place stones in their camels uterus in order to keep the camel from becoming pregnant in the marketplace. Today, aShow MoreRelatedPower Relations : An Overview Essay1562 Words  | 7 Pageswithin society (ed. Rabinow and Rose 2003). In relation to sex education, we can attribute this subjectivity to macro-level factors such as legislature passed by Congress and religious influence, societal level factorsâ€â€age and gender and access to contraception, and familial factorsâ€â€relationship between parents and children. Legislature Several studies have shown an overwhelming amount of support for comprehensive sex education compared to abstinence-only education (Herrman et al. 2013; Bourke 2014).Read MoreThe Arrival Of The Pill979 Words  | 4 Pagestime there existed a method of contraception that separated birth control from the act of sexual intercourse, while having a nearly one hundred percent success rate. When the pill hit the market, at the peak of the baby boom, it was overwhelming mothers who rushed to get it. While some commentators feared that the pill would wreak havoc on morals and sexual behaviour (some even going as far to say that it would lead to adultery), others claimed that it would cure the social, sexual and political illsRead MoreBirth Control And The Pregnancy Prevention1284 Words  | 6 Pagesthat women should maintain the right to protect themselves against unwanted pregnancies. Margaret Sanger is The Woman Rebel who, despite overwhelming opposition, pioneered the way for moder n family planning and, more importantly, the female sexual revolution. The subject of birth control and the debate on whether birth control should be used is not a new subject. For centuries, women were using primitive and unsafe means of birth control to prevent pregnancies. Women had little education on theRead MoreOral Contraceptive Pill And Its Effects On The Way Different People Experience Sexuality Essay1818 Words  | 8 Pagesin terms of contraception have impacted on the way different people experience sexuality throughout history, but the extent to which they shape these experiences is a highly contested topic. The introduction of the oral contraceptive pill in the early 1960s is often attributed as the spark of the ‘sexual revolution’ as it put the power of a woman’s fertility in her hands, but I will argue that the feminist movement of the 1970s (as a social factor) had more of an effect on the sexual freedom of womenRead MoreWhy Do We Continue to Debate the Use of Contraception Essay1572 Words  | 7 PagesContrac eption is it right or wrong and are you to young to decide for yourself? Recently we have been hearing a lot about Contraception ad if it is right or wrong and who gets to decide. The name of the Scholarly article that I chose to write about is, (Simonds Ellertson, 2004, p. 1285-1297) Emergency Contraception and Morality reflections of health care workers and clients. In the United States our government goes back and forth between trying to be conservative and trying to separate personalRead MoreThe Birth Of The Pill962 Words  | 4 Pagestowards bodily autonomy for women, and a ‘new era in the long history of birth control’. For the very first time, there would exist a method of contraception that separated brith control from the act of sexual intercourse, and allowed women total control over their fertility. This caused many commentators to fear that the pill would ‘wreck moral havoc’ on the sexual behaviour of the nation, with some even going as far as to claim that it would lead to adultery and the destruction of the ‘nuclear family’Read MoreMargaret Sanger And The Birth Control Movement Highlighted1187 Words  | 5 Pagesand similar issues? Birth control was not merely a technique to expand the realm of personal freedom; it grew out of a radical political ideology that contributed to the liberation of women, especially working-class women. Although the idea of contraception marginalized those who believed that birth control was against the laws of God and nature, Margaret Sanger’s campaign sought rights for women to control their own physical destinies. This paper analyzes three documents including excerpts fromRead MoreThe Birth Control Of Women1501 Words  | 7 Pagesdoors to spaces where women weren’t allowed prior. A person controlling their own fertility is an essential component of creating economic security, limiting unwanted pregnancies, and creating healthier families. There are many new options for contraception for women today, but the pill was the original catalyst in the United States for women claiming control over their fertility, career, and overall health status. The concept of family planning can be traced back to a nurse, sex educator, and politicalRead MoreEugenics and Planned Parenthood Essay1405 Words  | 6 Pages When one contemplates the concept of eugenics, few think of modern contraception and abortion when in reality they are one in the same. The American Eugenics Society, founded in 1923, proudly proclaimed that men with incurable â€Å"conditions†should be sterilized. However these conditions were often none that could be helped, such as, one’s intelligence, race, and social class (Schweikart and Allen 529-532). The purpose of the society was to create the perfect class of men; elite in allRead MoreSex Education Is The Teaching Of Issues1048 Words  | 5 Pagescorrect option of sexual expression for teenagers. Abstinence Only Until marriage that â€Å"teaches abstinence as the only morally correct option of sexual expression for unmarried young people. Abstinence Plus Programs which teach infor mation about contraception and condoms in the context of strong abstinence messages.Comprehensive sexuality education teaches about abstinence as the best method for avoiding STDs and unintended pregnancy, but also teaches about condoms and contraception to reduce the
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Effects of Death Sentence on Innocent People- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theEffects of Death Sentence on Society and Innocent People. Answer: Death penalty is a government sanctioned practice by putting people to death as a punishment for a crime that they have committed. The sentence is called death sentence while the real act itself is known as execution. Crimes that call for death sentences are capital crimes that are seen as being so great to the extent that only death can be a worthy penalty(Schabas, 2002). Arguments have been labelled against the effects of death sentence on the society. The criminal justice system is supposed to protect the society and thus this means that individual life should be protected. Robinson (2011) suggests that death penalty handed to individuals has different effects on the social life of individuals. It has been argued that the risks and effects associated with this penalty vary from society to society, family to family and individual to individual. This essay analyses the effects of death penalty on the society by analyzing how it affects the innocent. Arguments against death sentence have been pointed on the need to protect and promote a culture of life. From the social point of view and the biblical view, life is sacred and thus no individual should be allowed to take another personal life. Many countries have abolished death sentence systems because of pressure from human right groups that seek to protect life(Donohue, 2009). Christian teachings on the common good suggest that each individual should pursue the good for everyone and that of society. According to Kennedy-Kollar Mandery (2010) when states carry out death sentences on individuals, resources that are used are from the tax payer. Death sentence is thus a lethal alternative of treating violence for violence. When individuals lives are ended by the state, the question asked is how the society benefits from the death of such criminals. The role of the law is act as an intermediary between individuals in the society by reducing chaos and maintaining law and order. This means that the law needs to be in pursuit of the common good for both the criminal and the person that has been offended. This means that the law needs to protect the sanctity of life and protect individuals life from being taken away by the state or any other element (Dezhbakhsh Shepherd, 2006). There are people who are willing and ready to lose their lives since they can do any crime without considering the punishment that they may get. This means that they can do certain crimes while expecting the same punishment from the state. Rehabilitation is used to change individual lives and give offenders a second chance to change their lives. When death penalty is handed to an individual, the opportunity for such individual to change and be better persons is not given to them. Such individuals can be worse if they get another chance to interact with the society (Onyango, 2015). They can carry out larger crimes like killing, raping and torturing others. The need to determine the cause that drives such individual to carry out these crimes is denied to the society. When offenders are killed the society loses the opportunity to understand the reasons behind such offences. Research has shown that there are factors like genes and bad childhood that can drive individuals to commit capital offences. Capital offenders need to be protected so that the society can learn from their mistakes and put strategies in place for correcting them. Studies have indicated that death sentence does not reduce crime in society but rather may increase crime and make criminals more hardened. Studies that have been carried out in the US have shown that states which have abolished capital punishment have reported lower rates of capital crimes while those that have resumed this punishment have reported increased offences. This means that capital punishment is a burden to the society since it does not prevent such behaviour within the society. Some criminals who commit such offences do not realize the burden of their mistakes and the punishment that they can get. This is because such individuals do not value life and thus need to be rehabilitated and helped to appreciate life. This because death sentences end wrong messages to the public that increase homicide rather than reducing it. On the other hand, the justice system is not perfect and may incriminate innocent people for wrongs that they did not do. Corruption, biases and discrimination can lead to incriminating innocent people for punishment. Muller (2016) argues that when such sentences are handed to these people, then they will be suffering a punishment that they do not deserve. This makes families of innocent individuals to suffer as they witness the execution of their family members. When the family discovers that their keen is innocent and they have been wrongly executed, this burden causes a lot of trauma that may never end(Eberhardt, Davies, Purdie-Vaughns, Johnson, 2006). The pain of losing a loved one through execution is heavier than forgiving them for the crime that they have committed. Many people who have been on death have been set free because new evidence has exonerated them. The reason why death sentences are delayed is the fact that the criminal justice system understands the gaps that may exist in evidence and thus the need to protect human life. Although death sentence is part of the law that is used to protect the public, it fails to protect offenders and at the same time consider the effects on the society. Death sentence does not have any effect on crimes nor does it make offenders to fear punishment. Utilitarian theorists oppose punishments that make individuals pay for the crimes that they have committed. They argue that the law needs to produce the best judgment by allowing individual to change through preventing future crimes(Kennedy-Kollar Mandery, 2010). This means that capital punishment is not the best option since it affects both the society and innocent people. The reason for capital punishment is to cause fear and prevent future crimes. However, this has not been the case since crimes have never stopped. The way is to teach the society to uphold the rule of law and respect the value of life. References Dezhbakhsh, H., Shepherd., J. M. (2006). The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: Evidence from a Judicial Experiment. Economic Inquiry, 44, 512-535. Donohue, J. J. (2009). Estimating the Impact of the Death Penalty on Murder. American Law and Economics Review, 2(2), 249-308. Eberhardt, J. L., Davies, P. G., Purdie-Vaughns, V. J., Johnson, S. L. (2006). Looking Deathworthy: Perceived Stereotypicality of Black Defendants Predicts Capital-Sentencing Outcomes. Psychological Science, 17(5), 383386. Kennedy-Kollar, D., Mandery, E. (2010). Testing the Marshall hypothesis and its antithesis: The effect of biased information on death-penalty option. Criminal Justice Studies, 23(1), 65-83. Muller, R. (2016). Death Penalty May Not Bring Peace to Victims' Families,. Journal of Law Reform, 49(4). Onyango, O. J. (2015). The capital offenders punishment and death sentence dilemma in Kenya. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 4(9), 95-98. Robinson, M. (2011). Is Capital Punishment Just? Assessing the Death Penalty Using Justice Theory. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 3(2), 27-66. Schabas, W. (2002). The Abolition of the Death Penalty in International Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Top Education Blogs 2018 For Students
Best Education Websites for Students Students always find themselves riddled by different assignments and homework. One way to decide how to resolve difficult school tasks is through consultation with educational blogs. Most students don’t know how to recognize the most trustworthy variants. We gathered all the famous or/and best (but not always famous) experts who deliver to the quality of education through their blogging.  Obviously, there are many more authoritative sources that are worth mentioning here. For this reason, we put together a list of some of some reputable places every learner can consider asking for help with homework questions. Send us a clue, if you know some! Educational blogs by field of knowledge We would like to draw your attention to the best, most updated, top education blogs available for students based on subjects. Multiple subjects 1. Rosen classroom Rosen provides a unique experience for students of all levels of learning by exposing them to needed knowledge related to their study level. It is a highly rated choice from various elementary education blogs online. 2. Brainly Brainly is a high-quality learning website designed for every student to have the chance to interact and share knowledge with each other. It’s among the ‘student-friendly’ blogs in education that encourages networking. 3. Udemy Udemy embraces all levels of learning and can be seen as one of the best online education websites for students, offering paid video tutorials packed with intellect. 4. Grovo Grovo can be classified with special education blogs, as it also helps you develop the skill of using a variety of web applications to achieve an optimal education experience. 5. MIT Open Courseware MIT Open courseware offers access to a number of on-demand university courses. 6. OpenCulture This site offers different lectures in various formats, plus it compiles video lectures from other platforms. 7. Open Yale Courses One of the best websites when it comes to easy navigation and top-choice disciplines. 8. Notre Dame Open Courseware A highly organized domain with a wide range of free choice courses. 9. Open UW A small initiative offered by Washington University but still relevant for all university students. 10. University of the People A site run by a private university. Perfect for distance learners. Math Science 1. Isaac Newton Institute An advanced institute known to run mathematical research programs. 2. Scitable Education by Nature Education An interactive website offering information on genetics and biology. 3. GCF Learn Free A perfect arena to learn basic science, reading, math. 4. University of Reddit Offers a range of free courses involving math and social sciences. 5. Zooniverse A perfect opportunity for higher education students to participate in science-related, cutting edge research projects. 6. Free Computer Books A perfect blend of advanced arithmetic and computer knowledge in one swoop. 7. Shodor A non-profit organization focused on math, science, and research. 8. Cognitive Class A golden opportunity to learn about data science from online courses irrespective of your level of education. 9. Better Explained An insightful approach towards math and calculus from one of the most detailed education blogs for students. 10. Quantum Physics Made Relatively Simple A set of three lectures on Quantum Physics by renowned Hans Bethe. Programming Technology 1. Apple Developer Site This is a popular, yet program-specific site that offer free tutorials on the development/design of various applications. Suitable for IT Computer students. 2. is designed to be a starting source of help for educators, parents, and all learners alike who are interested in programming but do not know where to start. 3. Learnable Learnable offers paid subscription access to over 5,000 video lessons, and numerous e-books related to disciplines that include technology and software development. 4. Udacity Udacity is a highly specialized platform with courses offered by the top tech companies in Silicon Valley. With a monthly subscription, participants get unlimited access to resources of all types for free. 5. CodeAcademy The most popular free site where one can learn the art of coding. 6. GitHub This platform is a treasure trove – over 500 books covering over 80 different programming languages. 7. aGupieWare An independent app developer with a curriculum similar to those used in prestigious universities like MIT. 8. Web Fundamentals A practice site for advanced coders and web designers. 9. Google Code University The perfect learning space for those interested in computer-related careers later on in life. One of the best education blogs related to coding. 10. Data Camp The best platform for advanced courses on Python and other coding topics. Foreign Languages 1. Busuu Busuu is a comprehensive platform where customers get the chance to teach each other. Basic features are free, more complex resources are accessible via paid membership. 2. Livemocha Livemocha offers users the opportunity to learn a language by interacting with native speakers. Over 30 languages are offered on this site. 3. BBC Languages BBC Languages is another education blog for students and others alike that offers useful phrases in other languages that can be used to establish minimal communication to start. 4. DuoLingo DuoLingo is a user-friendly, free site that offers every student the opportunity to learn diverse languages through reminders, structured lessons, and sections containing articles written in the language you are studying. 5. Living Language This is one of the few blogs about education i.e. sites dedicated to intense learning through interesting aspects involving games, puzzles, and e-tutoring with native speakers. 6. Skritter An online tool that focuses on helping learners remember characters. Useful for studying Asian languages. 7. Internet Polyglot Totally free of charge – assists users in memorizing words and phrases. 8. Ethnologue Places a considerable focus on the understanding of a language. 9. Babbel Uses simple steps to break down the difficult aspects of a language. 10. Word2Word A low-cost alternative to learning in-depth details of a dialect. History Economics 1. UC Berkley An education blog for students that offers video/ audio courses in different disciplines, including economics. 2. Liberty Classroom An opportunity to get the best resources on economics history all at once. 3. The Liberty Congress The perfect encyclopedia for studious history lovers, complete with a large collection of maps, manuscripts, photographs, and more. 4. World History Links Specifically designed to educate high school and undergraduate learners who intend to major in history. 5. HistoryNet A comprehensive source of information on world history, as well as some details on the U.S. 6. The Authentic History Center A perfect expository narrative, focusing on European history, recommended for university scholars. 7. History Learning Site An online arena with special pointers directed mostly at British history facts. 8. ClassZone A treasured collection of historical archives dating as far back as the Renaissance. 9. The Story of Mankind A blog about education sites, packed with ancient facts from the beginning of mankind. 10. Timeglobe Explore over 20,000 happenings throughout the world within specific timelines. Reading, Writing Grammar 1. English Central Supports learning through conversational dialect online. 2. Stack Exchange A question-and-answer site for all English enthusiasts. 3. My English Pages Another brilliant site that encourages self-improvement in the English language. 4. Lang-8 Another high-quality site that facilitates interaction with native speakers, the way one would interact with an essay writing service. 5. LEO Network Learn English Helps you understand the use of words through illustrations. 6. Listen and Write Helps students train their listening and writing skills, just as the name implies. 7. News in Levels Another brilliant site that hones reading and listening skills. 8. SkillShare Another wonderful platform where you can find helpful courses that target your writing skills. 9. Questia A wealthy information access domain, with lists of textbooks that are designed to improve your grammar skills. 10. a4esl A web domain that helps you refresh your basic knowledge of grammar. Art and Music 1. Songs for Teaching This is a fun-filled site with songs on various subjects, including those that relate to fine art. A creative way to remember the basics of art. 2. Music Ace/Harmonic Vision Music Ace lessons are described as engaging, educational, and easy to follow. These lessons focus a great deal on music fundamentals – rhythm, pitch, and tones. 3. Drawspace Drawspace combines self-study and instructor-led study, both being paid options designed to help anyone learn drawing. 4. Justin Guitar Over 800 free guitar lessons addressing arpeggios, scales, and a host of other guitar-related concepts. 5. ArtsEdge A powerful database of web-links, art resources, and different art topics. 6. Google Art Project Offers an excursion of different museums worldwide. 7. MOOM Encloses in itself a catalog of the best museums worldwide with their collections. 8. Keeping Scores Contains resources that guide composers and teach about scores and symphonies. 9. Layers Magazine A blog in education that focus on advanced aspects of art like Photoshop. 10. creativeLIVE A collection of interesting workshop topics in different disciplines including music and photography. Education blogs by level and type of learning Elementary Education 1. The Virtual Learning Academy Also called the VLA, this site is the perfect spot for your kids to learn with  around-the-clock access to over a hundred relevant subjects that will keep kids informed all the way. 2. Fact Monster The perfect blend of online trivia quizzes, materials, and facts for kids of all ages, with access to homework help and encyclopedias. 3. is the ideal learning place for children up to 6th grade. It guides them through optimal ways to solve multiplication problems. 4. Funbrain A collection of arcade games, comic books, and other delightful features, targeting basic grammar and math skills of youth. 5. E-learning for Kids Here you will find a host of elementary subjects with a comprehensive curriculum e.g. Science, Arithmetic, and other suitable topics for 5th– 12th graders. 6. Prongo A collection of e-cards, jokes, and other elements for fun learning. 7. Game Classroom This site has compiled worksheets and resources from other sites. Middle and High School 1. Hippocampus Hippocampus is a free site that offers comprehensive content for both middle and high school students on a variety of disciplines. 2. California History-Social Science Project The CHSSP is a statewide network of scholars who interact with a wide range of high-schoolers from economically disadvantaged areas of California, offering insights on specific disciplines. 3. Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative This platform is dedicated to advancing and transforming higher education, with consistent feedback to students. 4. Alison A free learning site designed to help students become eligible for college. 5. iBerry A website that connects high school users to resources of interest. 6. One of the most acclaimed portals for learning resources across the globe. 7. BBC Podcasts One of the all-inclusive education websites for students that also involves subjects for high schoolers. College 1. offers an opportunity for all college students, especially those learning from home to enjoy the chance of earning credits and gain the needed knowledge. 2. Quest clubs This is a popular choice among learners and parents alike. It is a higher education blog that turns the educational experience into a scouting-style, fun-filled adventure. 3. edX The edX site is well known among university students as a website packed with lots of specialized courses for free from some of the world’s most prestigious universities. 4. Khan Academy The Khan Academy continues to set the standards when it comes to college/university education. The platform hosts thousands of courses related to many fields on a tertiary level. 5. KnowledgeNet The perfect resource depot for IT-related topics. 6. Study Guide Zone Offers a collection of guides aimed at interesting subjects. 7. WIZIQ One of the best resource sites for college learning, creating the perfect atmosphere for virtual classes. E-Learning 1. Time4learning Printable worksheets, detailed reports, and a flexible curriculum are just some of the few things offered by one of the top blogs on education online. More information can be found on their site. 2. Coursera This is one of the most popular e-learning sites, with more than half a million active users, and a constantly expanding catalog of courses. 3. Open Learning Initiative Sponsored by the Carnegie Mellon University, the OLI is for both tertiary learners and their educators. It features scores of free accessible content. 4.  MIT Video MIT Video offers access to over 10,000 talks and educational videos that address over a hundred university courses. 5. Ed2go This platform was originally designed for adults, with more than 2,000 tertiary institutions partnering together to provide virtual instructor-led training. 6. The eLearning Coach Provides tips and practical content for online learning. 7. University of Oxford Podcasts A site containing recorded podcasts from the colleges of one of the best universities in the world. Testing 1. CollegePrepGenius The perfect place for students who want to have high grades on their PSAT/SAT tests. Other testing-relevant sites include the following: 2. PrepScholar In addition to being one of the most up-to-date educational blogs, it provides tips and guides for students preparing for SAT exams. 3. Erik the Red A high-quality site for SAT Math test preparations. 4. IELTS Buddy The perfect study companion to use when one needs to prepare for IELTS. 5. Exam English The perfect site to guide you in preparing for complex English exams like TOEFL. 6. College Advice blog The perfect blog for students getting ready for internships and other forms of assessments after high school. 7. OWL Purdue The perfect choice of teaching special education blogs to enlighten students about the dangers of plagiarism. Other Useful Education Blogs Other useful platforms to check include: 1. Canvas Network 2. AdaFruit Learning System – the developer’s helping hand. 3. Scratch – Imagine, Program, Share 4. Academic Earth – for more academic tools. 5. Big Think 6. BrightStorm – for referencing. 7. CosmoLearning – provides skill-based learning. 8. Howcast – holds the ‘how’ of every discipline. 9. – a QA site. 10. Wikipedia – the world’s encyclopedia. Educational sites and portals all offer a diverse view of learning resources, helping students gain the insights they need for successful studies.
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